For the second time in a year, Assiniboia Downs’ leading trainer JERRY GOURNEAU has been suspended for an overage of the legal corticosteroid dexamethasone.

According to the Winnipeg Free Press, Gourneau has been suspended indefinitely “pending the results of four more tests and an official hearing with the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (LGCA), which governs horse racing in the province,” said George Williams for the Free Press.

“Dexamethasone can be administered 48 or more hours prior to a race, and both Gourneau and Dr. Cyndi Kasper, the veterinarian in charge of administering the medication, said it was given to the affected horses 58 hours in advance of racing.”

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Last June, Gourneau was suspended for two days for a similar overage positive test.

There currently is no ruling on the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority website regarding Gourneau.