2018 WEG Diary

WEG Diary Final Entry: It’s a Wrap!

There were many things that went wrong in Tryon. “We made a ton of mistakes,” admitted Mark Bellissimo. "If we ran the WEG again it would be unbelievable."

Driving Drama

Oh my goodness who would have thought there was so much drama in the driving world. We had our fill today, on and off the marathon course.

WEG Diary: Eight Days And Counting

To start the 8th day of WEG I popped over to the Vaulting arena to watch some freestyles before whizzing over to the Tryon Stadium to catch the Canadian para riders.

WEG Diary, Sept. 17: BEEP BEEP BEEP

Beep beep beep. That sound can account for many different things. Clocks, alarms, a busy signal. Or reversing vehicles warning us of impending doom should one stand directly behind it. Ernck ernck ernck is a new sound for me. As the flashflood warning it emanated frequently from the TV yesterday as the local stations covered […]

Chaos at WEG Endurance

Unprecedented scenes of chaos and anger have unfolded on the opening day of the WEG with the decision to re-start the race as a 120km 2* event.