The following statement was published Sunday afternoon, Nov. 10 on behalf of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario:

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is deeply saddened by this weekend’s tragic events at Woodbine Racetrack, where multiple horses suffered injuries, including three that were required to be euthanized. The health and welfare of racehorses, as well as the safety of all participants, are of primary concern to the AGCO.

AGCO veterinary and regulatory teams have been engaged with Woodbine throughout the weekend and support the precautionary measures being taken to ensure the safety of all participants. This includes the cancellation of race cards until a thorough investigation of track conditions and other potential contributing factors has been completed. The AGCO acknowledges Woodbine’s commitment and prudent efforts to review and address these incidents. We will assess their findings and plans for resuming training and racing operations to ensure they meet our expectations for safety and security.
