The need for training in prevention and preparedness is highlighted with every media report of yet another horrific barn fire. Equine Guelph has announced it will be providing online resources on barn fire prevention and large animal rescue for all first responders and fire departments across Ontario available at:

The free “workshop in a box” contains everything needed to deliver a comprehensive fire prevention workshop for farm owners. PowerPoint presentations and handy checklists make it easy to take the information out into the community. When awareness is not enough, face-to-face, expert-led delivery of this important information could break down sociological barriers for the livestock and equine industry and help large animal owners take preventative actions on their farms.

“This web page is a wonderful resource with well thought out powerpoints, checklists and links for barn safety,” says Dianne Kyle, Fire Prevention Officer for Severn Fire & Emergency Services. “I especially like the interactive quizzes as these promote ‘think safety’ for anyone that participates.”
