The Ontario horse racing industry received word today that three more tracks – Fort Erie Racetrack, Flamboro Downs and Georgian Downs – had reached deals to host live Thoroughbred racing in 2013, but with the slots at racetracks program set to expire in less than a week, the sustainability question remains.

The Ontario Horse Racing Industry Association (OHRIA) continues to push for financial details from government on the promised long-term integration strategy, and Premier Kathleen Wynne has yet to produce the answers. “While we are happy with the announcement that there will be racing at three more racetracks in 2013, OHRIA is continuing to stress the importance of details of the long-term integration strategy,” said Sue Leslie, president of OHRIA. “Without knowing the financial returns long-term, breeders and owners will continue to resist investment if they cannot see a viable future for the industry.”

Earlier this month, Premier Wynne, speaking in her role as Minister of Agriculture, announced in a press conference at Grand River Raceway that horse racing will be integrated into the province’s gaming strategy. This announcement did little to quell the fears of investors as financial details and timelines were not provided along with the announcement and have yet to be revealed.
