Toronto City Council has tasked the City Manager with seeking public input on expanded gaming at Woodbine Racetrack. The public consultation will include:

  • a public meeting in Etobicoke;
  • an online questionnaire promoted on the City’s website and via social media;
  • a city-wide public opinion poll; and
  • a presentation at Executive Committee.

The City Manager will engage an external firm to conduct the consultation. The consultation will gather input on the public’s views and opinions on expanded gaming at the Woodbine Racetrack and what the public would like Council to consider when making a decision on this matter.

A range of communication and outreach methods will be developed which include advertisements, social media, media releases, and outreach through City staff and at City facilities.
The City Manager will consider the findings of the public consultations in the development of a report to Executive Committee on this matter in June 2015.

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The public meeting will be held Monday May 11, 2015 at the Etobicoke Olympium, second floor lounge, 590 Rathburn Road, Toronto, beginning with an open house from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., followed by a brief presentation, questions and public comments from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

The meeting will include a presentation which will provide information about the Woodbine Racetrack location and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation’s (OLG) process for potential gaming sites. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and record public remarks.

City Council’s Executive Committee will consider the City Manager’s report on this issue in June. For information, visit

Click here to “have your say” and provide your views and feedback on expanded gaming at Woodbine Racetrack. Survey is open until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 29, 2015.

Consultation Plan

Phase 1 – April 2015
Consultation website launched with:

• Consultation plan and timelines
• Social Media feeds and email notification available by subscription through website
• Background documents and reports, including 2013 casino consultation

Phase 2 – May 2015
Consultation opens with public input collected through:

• Online survey starting May 6
• Public Meeting May 11, Etobicoke Olympium, 590 Rathburn Rd. 6:30 – 9:30pm
• Opinion Poll in second week of May
• Consultation closes May 29

Phase 3 – June 2015
• Analysis of data
• Development of reports
• City Manager reports to Executive Committee
• All reports, summaries and raw data posted to consultation and Open Data web sites