Opinions are plentiful and cheap; applying some handicapping rules may see you in the money in the Queen's Plate and other races on the day.
Burning questions from a reader about first-race maidens, non-winners of 3, breeding and the value of race comments are answered.
Fairly inexpensive superfecta play, where a longshot finishes somewhere in your “sandwich”, can yield hundreds (or thousands) of dollars.
A look at the handicapping angles that led to the $47,697 (USD) payout during another day of longshots and upsets.
What’s happening in Kentucky is being watched by Canadian tracks which could eventually follow suit if the breakage laws change.
Despite a crazy day of longshot upsets, it was still possible to put together a winning ticket. After all, someone did it.
If you see a horse with giant pace numbers way ahead of the others, head to the betting window, computer, laptop or phone.
We're glad one player in the stands at Woodbine had the 46-1 longshot, but what can the rest of us learn for future use?
Hate to say 'I told you so' but ... the added-up numbers rule worked like a charm in a tough 12-horse maiden race at Woodbine on Thursday.
Here's a little math trick to sort out the field in maiden races – handy for those superfectas, triactors and Jackpot Hi-5 wagers.
One savvy bettor picked up $19,000 in Assiniboia Downs’ 20-cent Super Hi 5 jackpot pool last Monday. Here's how.
Thanks to a previous race against the great Pink Lloyd, one sharp-eyed bettor cashed a big ticket on a Woodbine longshot.
Turf races & closing fractions: Even some of the most skilled handicappers refuse to wrap their heads around this important angle.
The spoils of the wild and wacky world of the non-winners of two races condition were on offer on Thursday night at Woodbine.
Anything can happen (and often does) in a non-winners of two races condition. Here's how to work it to your advantage.