Hold on a minute, I’m just checking on a mare that’s about ready to foal,” shouts Bernard McCormack over the phone from the gorgeous property that is Mapleshade Farm stretching over 100 acres in Janetville, ON.

The brogue is strong from the 56-year-old Irishman, born in County Dublin, despite having lived in North America for the better part of 37 years. Ever one to take on a challenge, McCormack is in the midst of trying to trick Mother Nature and put one over on a mare threatening to bring life into the world, in the middle of a chilly winter, at some ungodly hour later this evening.

“If you don’t want them foaling at one in the morning, sometimes you can bring them in early and hopefully they’ll settle and foal at seven tonight instead,” he said. “That’s the theory anyway… but, as you know, horses have their own plans and we’re just along for the ride.”
