As the Manager of Live Racing and Racing Secretary for Northlands Park, Jason Teague is, not surprisingly, a busy man, tasked with two demanding roles, each of which requires a patient hand and a meticulous eye.

But, for a longtime horse racing aficionado, there is no place else he’d rather be.

“My parents first started bringing me to the track in the early ‘80s,” recalled Teague. “They owned a couple of horses then and it stayed with me since. I bought my first share of a horse in 1993 while working for the Daily Racing Form. I handled the sales at the track and the distribution of the racing forms to all the OTBs within the city and suburbs. I then bought a share of another horse the following year. A few years after owning my first thoroughbred, we decided to breed her and she turned out a foal that went on to win two races.”
