When Jim Lawson was a boy, the chief attraction to tagging along with his father, Mel, to the racetrack was making a trip to the backstretch. “That’s where I like to hang out… I’m still that way,” said the new CEO of Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG). “I would get so upset if I’d get up on a Saturday or Sunday morning and I’d say, ‘Where’s dad?’ and my mom would say, ‘He’s at the racetrack.’ I’d say, ‘How come he didn’t take me?’”

Shortly after taking over WEG’s reins from outgoing CEO Nick Eaves, Lawson got up on a Sunday morning and went straight to the Woodbine backstretch. It explains why he admits to being somewhat selfish for setting up a satellite office in the Woodbine backstretch where he hopes to be present a couple of mornings a week.

“There’s nothing better that being around a racetrack in the morning and seeing everyone,” he said. “They love their job. They just love being around the horses, but they love being part of the community. That’s what means a lot to me.”
