Rose Day has always supported her daughters’ ambitions amidst her busy schedule at the racetrack, where she is often the first to arrive at the barn and last to leave. Her youngest daughter, Shayeann Day-Wilson, is a phenomenal basketball player who has represented Team Canada at Globl Jam in 2022 and 2023. She was named ACC Freshman of the Year for the 2021-2022 season and is currently a junior at the University of Miami.

At Woodbine, the work is never ending. The horses need continuous care and attention, and it truly takes a village. Raising three daughters while working at Woodbine and ensuring they got to all their practices and extracurriculars was difficult to juggle with the long days. In combination with the demanding needs of a career at the racetrack, Day has always been a constant supporter of her children.

Aside from Shayeann’s immense sporting talent, Day’s support has helped get her daughter to where she is today. Not only has Day worked extremely hard herself, but she also notes the additional assistance she has received to make that support possible, including her best friend, who would help babysit.
