“If I wasn’t a jockey, I think I would have liked to become a paramedic or something along those lines. I’m all about the hands-on, fast-paced environment and I imagine it would be a pretty good adrenaline rush, kind of like I get from riding. There is no way I could sit at a desk so that would be the ideal job for me. Every day would be different. I like that it’s a demanding job, physically, mentally and emotionally. I admire paramedics the way I once admired jockeys.”

There was a time, not so long ago, when people didn’t take Isabelle Wenc seriously when she said she wanted to be a jockey. They certainly are now.

The 4’11”, 105-pound self-confessed “crazy horse girl,” had a wide-eyed fascination for horses from an early age. It was a television series, however, that gave her a clear picture of what her calling in life would be.
