Down by the Docks was not really interested in being a racehorse. The tall, chocolate coloured gelding had all the tools to be a competitor: pedigree, a long, smooth stride and a good trainer. But after three races, and three last-place finishes, it was evident to John LeBlanc Jr. that “James” was not going to have a future on the track.

“He was a beautiful moving horse,” said LeBlanc, whose wife Maggie bred the son of Sea Wall from the mare Peek a Boo Ruckus, a daughter of Bold Ruckus. “He was sweet and nothing bothered him.”

The LeBlancs, who have a successful racing, training and breeding operation near Alliston, ON, are active in racehorse retirement with a collection of their own former racehorses in their paddocks. They also have donated and placed dozens of other former runners and Down by the Docks was promptly retired from the track to await a new home.
