It was a tough ending to the filly’s career since she had started her racing life at Woodbine Racetrack with seven straight purse shares. She won her maiden for $11,500 claiming in June of 2012 before her legs began to give out.

Livada was picked up by Alexis Kacho-Sinke and taken to her Second Start Thoroughbreds, a non-profit, horse listing and relocation program near Fort Erie, ON. The filly’s crumbly knees and pool of bone chips in her joints meant that Kacho-Sinke was not going to have a lot of luck selling the filly to a new home, so she was listed for free.

“I had her listed for quite some time, but no suitable rehab home presented itself,” says Kacho-Sinke, who founded Second Start in July 2010 with her cousin Kim Sinodinos.
