From the moment he could spell his name, Pierre Esquirol has been a man with a plan. At age six, the Saskatchewan-born “farm boy” sold garden vegetables he grew himself. At 14, he had a herd of 400 hogs that he traded about for cash, and at 26, he bought five thoroughbred broodmares. So, don’t feel awkward if you have thought Esquirol, a prominent breeder and yearling sale consignor in his home province and Alberta, is a lot older than he actually is.

“I get that all the time,” said Esquirol, 50. “I started in the business at a young age in Saskatchewan. I was a silent partner with my brother Eddie on my first racehorse when I was 14.”

Esquirol’s 160-acre thoroughbred stallion station and breeding farm in Ryley, AB is the result of many years in a business he loves and wants to see thrive. He has been disheartened about the troubles in recent years to get a Calgary track built (Century Downs, near Balzac, is currently under construction) but is a go-getter, optimistic and determined to lure mares from other provinces to his ever-increasing group of stallions.
