There are numerous things to consider in the months following the purchase of a yearling at auction. Your yearling purchase is much like a lump of clay waiting to be moulded. Before your new horse, hopefully, heads to the racetrack as a 2-year-old, here are some tips for owners and trainers I believe will come in handy.

The day after the purchase of your yearling

It is important to make arrangements with your veterinarian or bloodstock agent to check the horse again the day after a sale. You want to make sure he is as sound as he was before the sale. If he is not sound (and you have not shipped him off the sales grounds yet), you can address that with the sales office who will contact the seller for any possible recourse. Once you ship your purchase off the grounds, the sale is final.

You also want to ensure the yearling is not a cribber (habit of sucking in air while biting down on fences or stall doors), although this is often announced when the horse is in the sales ring.
