There are no 'rules' for hunch plays, but most horseplayers have pleasant memories of the time they went with their heart instead of their head.
Taking a look beyond the chart lines and stat sheets at the equine stars of Woodbine seeking to make their mark in 2022.
Woodbine backstretch favourite ‘Toga’, one of the first LongRun residents, is enjoying retirement with his buddies, pets and treats.
Introducing the equine stars of Woodbine with three fascinating facts about each horse who will look to make their mark in 2022.
In the final report of the season, trainers Buntain and Attard talk about last year's campaigns and this year's plans and hopes.
In this week’s report, trainers Nosowenko and Smith talk about some nice horses in their barns they are excited about.
The owner and trainer answers some offbeat questions about ice cream, sad songs, dance moves and bucket list items.
The weekly report catches up with trainers Santino Di Paola and Francine Villeneuve to talk about last year's campaigns and 2022 plans.
Trainers Mike Mattine and Harold Ladouceur talk about their respective 2021 campaigns and the upcoming 2022 season.
This week trainer Kevin Attard is the featured victim, answering offbeat questions about racing, pizza and cartoons.