On September 7th, a positive case of Equine Infectious Anemia was confirmed by the CFIA for a horse on a premises in the County of Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Found 35 Results from Equestrian Canada
The next Equestrian Canada (EC) National Equine Disease & Welfare Surveillance Call is coming up tomorrow, August 8, 2018 at 12 p.m. ET.
A positive case of Equine Infectious Anemia has been confirmed for a horse on a premises in the rural municipality of Great Bend, Saskatchewan.
The Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System has reported a case of Equine Herpesvirus (neurologic) in Saskatchewan, which is under investigation.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is proposing a National Equine Infectious Anemia Disease Control Program. Comments are being accepted until June 18.
Equestrian Canada informs the equestrian community on their position regarding Health Canada’s proposed increase to service fees for veterinary drugs.
A positive EIA result was confirmed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for a horse on a premises in Clearwater County, Alberta, on April 27, 2018.
Equestrian Canada is hosting biosecurity webinars on April 15, 2018, for Canadian equine veterinarians, facility owners, event operators and horse owners.
Below are details from the CFIA pertaining to a newly identified Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)-affected premises in the province of Alberta.
On December 13, 2017, a positive Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) result was confirmed in Alberta by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.