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Ontario Racing Horse Health Survey

Equine Guelph is calling on grooms, trainers and owners in the racing industry, to complete a first of its kind survey on racehorse health and well-being to direct future research and programs for the industry. Your feedback can help shape the future of racing in Ontario. The goal of the survey is to learn more […]
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OVC Researchers Manufacture Equine Cartilage

“It’s approximately four millimeters in diameter,” exclaimed Ontario Veterinary College researcher, Thomas Koch, unable to contain his excitement. The tiny disk of equine cartilage, manufactured in the OVC lab, is full of potential. A cartilage injury can mean the end of an athlete’s career. Damaged joint cartilage does not repair on its own and often […]
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The Impact of Impact on Bone Health

Ontario Veterinary College, graduate student, Cristin McCarty is no stranger to joint health issues having to work through her own athletic injuries from rowing. As an avid rider since age 5, McCarty bought an ex-racehorse in her early teens for repurposing into a hunter/jumper and immediately began an education in joint problems and maintenance options […]
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Equine Foundation Donation to aid in Lameness Evaluation

The Equine Foundation of Canada has contributed $16,000 to Equine Guelph. This donation covers 80 per cent of the purchase price of an Equinosis Lameness Locator®, which will benefit both research projects and education by providing an objective method of determining equine limb lameness. This equipment is better than the naked eye, because it samples […]
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Drugs and Your Horse The Dangers of Medicating

In the management of horse health, injuries and disease, conscientious horse owners would never put their horse at risk; however, improper use of some commonly administered equine drugs can impact the health and safety of our horses more than we think. Seldom does a month go by when media attention doesn’t focus on a positive […]