The sidewalks are too deep with snow to negotiate this morning!

There is some heat on at the Keeneland January sale, however, as Canadians are buying up some mares…

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Canadians still buying, bring those mares up here!

0450     DB/BR.M. Loving Vindication    Anderson Farms    180,000

    Warrendale Sales, Agent for Live Oak Plantation

0431     DB/BR.F. Kiss of Fire    Denny Andrews    10,000

    Blandford Stud (Padraig Campion), Agent

0485     B.M. My Kitty    Denny Andrews    4,000

    Highclere Sales, Agent I

0516     DB/BR.F. Probe    Denny Andrews    30,000

    Lane’s End, Agent for the Estate Edward P. Evans(Spring Hill Farm)

0520     GR/RO.M. Queen Caribees    Sean Fitzhenry    90,000

    Gainesway, Agent IV

0489     B.F. Nayla’s Image    Clayton Gray, Agent    5,000

    John J. Greely III (Wintergreen Farm), Agent

0559     DB/BR.M. Something Dixie    Paradox Farm, Inc    1,000

    Ramsey Farm, Agent

0576     CH.M. Sugar Bay    Vin Cox Bloodstock    70,000

    Cara Bloodstock (Bernard McCormack), Agent III

0669     CH.F. Silver Train — Caseys Irish Pride    J.A. Everatt-Meeuse    15,000

    Blake-Albina Thoroughbred Services, Agent V


industry folks talking to ‘Mo’ on Facebook

KENTUCKY DERBY FAVOURITE UNCLO MO answers your comments on his FACEBOOK page and he’s getting questions and notes from trainers, track announcers and fans. He even wants to chat to a stablemate!

cham10_6s.jpgphoto by Vanessa Ng of UNCLE MO!


If you are watcing the news these days and seeing the devastation in Australia where people are dying and gone missing, you will also see clips of animals, mostly horses, swimming for their lives. It is horrific footage.

Stables have already lost well bred harness horses:

Clive Palmer loses 32 standardbreds in flood

Harnesslink News Room 02:47 PM 12-Jan-2011 NZT

Australia’s fifth richest man, Clive Palmer is big in stature probably because his heart must almost weigh almost half of his body weight. The mining magnate and harness racing owner and breeder has been forced to fly in his own company choppers to save the lives of his staff working at the Lowood breeding facility at Cold Mountain Stud in Moore, in South East Queensland.

He said four staff members came perilously close to death after being trapped on their roof all last night (Tuesday January). They were just some of the thousands of people evacuated from towns and cities due to the worst floods seen in decades in Queensland.

At least 22 towns and over 200,000 people have been affected. Damage initially was estimated at around AU$1bn. As of today 10 people have been confirmed dead and another 90 are missing.


Charges follow seizure of horses in Canada

January 12, 2011

Charges of animal cruelty have followed the seizure of 10 horses in British Columbia, Canada.

The British Columbia SPCA says Crown counsel has approved charges of animal cruelty against a Duncan man after its special constables seized the neglected horses and other farm animals from the man’s property.

The SPCA seized two horses from Orest (Louie) Pohynayko on June 29 last year and eight more horses, two llamas and a goat, on November 26 after Pohynayko allegedly failed to comply with orders issued by the organisation to address outstanding animal welfare issues.

Pohynayko is to make his first court appearance in Duncan this week to face the charges related to the June 29 seizure and further charges are pending in the second investigation.

“In the most recent seizure the animals were being kept in unacceptable conditions and were exposed to snow, rain and freezing temperatures without proper shelter,” special constable Dale Bakken said.