Woodbine Entertainment announced today that its Board of Directors has appointed Christine Magee as Chair effective immediately.

As Chair of the Board of Directors, Magee will provide leadership, guidance and governance as Woodbine Entertainment fulfills its mandate to sustain and grow horse racing in Ontario. This includes advancing its master plan to develop the surrounding lands at Woodbine Racetrack and Woodbine Mohawk Park to be world-class entertainment destinations while creating new revenue streams that will support the horse racing industry and the tens of thousands of jobs it directly and indirectly supports throughout the province.

“We are thrilled to have someone with Christine’s business acumen, experience and leadership be the Chair of our Board of Directors while we continue to grow the sport of horse racing, support and sustain the entire industry in this province, and fulfill our vision of being the top horse racing destination in North America,” said Jim Lawson, CEO, Woodbine Entertainment. “As we continue to advance our plans to diversify our business model to sustain the horse racing industry for decades to come, Christine’s knowledge, experience and leadership will be invaluable to our efforts.”
