It is close to 4 a.m. when the coffee is poured in the Pierce household. Sally is set to head to the Woodbine backstretch to put order into her husband Malcolm’s barn of racehorses, while the trainer himself is not far behind. In another household, not many furlongs from the Rexdale, ON track, Phil England is preparing to arrive at his wife Debbie’s barn to exercise her runners before tending to his own small stable.

The Englands were one of the first prominent husband and wife teams at Woodbine, working together in a stable almost 40 years ago. Over the years, they competed against each other and helped each other and today, they have come full circle when they find themselves in the same barn again.

Husbands and wives working together at the track is a trend that has grown substantially in the last decade as men and women share their love for horses and the industry with each other. It is this passion that helps couples who work together through long hours, seven days a week, avoid the complications that may plague other couples in more general workplaces.
