Pink Lloyd, Mighty Heart, Curlin's Voyage star in their final outings of the Woodbine season on a graded stakes-packed card.
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Owner and trainer Cole Bennett purchased the 7-year-old Nov. 18 at Keeneland for $6,700 and will stand the son of Gio Ponti with partners.
Number of inductees to be recognized in 2021 reduced to three per breed in order to fully recognize 2020 inductees.
Industry leaders Michael Lay, Mark Saunders and Ann Straatman will offer their expertise and experience to strategic planning and decisions.
Thoroughbred racing averaged over $800,000 a day in 2020 at Edmonton’s Century Mile, an increase of almost 400 per cent over 2019.
Originally slated to run on Sunday, Nov. 15, all racing was cancelled due to high winds; now part of Friday's Racing Night Live broadcast.
Office sends members a list of products possibly containing levels of capsaicin which should not be used within 48 hours of a race.
His ground-breaking surgery to correct dorsal displacement of the soft palate earned the moniker 'The Llewellyn Procedure'.
The agency of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reveals why the chili pepper derivative is tested for, testing protocols and possible sources.
Great Canadian will remain headquartered in Toronto, led by a Canadian management team and with Canadian board members.