Woodbine Entertainment announced today that the 161st running of The Queen’s Plate will be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The HBPA of BC and the BCTOBA are offering two programs to get money immediately into the hands of owners for cost of spring training
While professional sports does not come under the umbrella of the City of Toronto's ban on city-run events until June 30, the Plate may be moved.
Woodbine Entertainment continues to provide horses with the essential care they require while operating its backstretch under very strict guidelines.
Jim Lawson, CEO of Woodbine Entertainment and his board, HBPA, Ontario Racing working furiously to help horsepeople while racing on hold.
'Jet Lee' is back in the irons, racing fit and ready to rock - whenever the starting gates open again at the Etobicoke track.
A unique opportunity to brush up on equine anatomy, nutrition, first aid,racehorse management and more through an easy-to-use online program.
Stricter protocols introduced for horses and horsepeople arriving from outside of Ontario and from the United States as Canadians head north.
Racing fans tweeted and wagered a lot from late morning to early evening Sat. Mar. 28 watching a big Gulfstream card of racing.
The Winnipeg Sun talks to Assiniboia Downs' Darren Dunn about the upcoming Thoroughbred season which could be delayed due to COVID-19.